5 Email Marketing Resolutions for the New Year

Written by: KHM Travel on February 07, 2022

Desk surface with office suppliers and a planner that says goals

As we flip the calendar page and break out the new planners, it’s a natural time to set goals and create new business strategies. Do your resolutions for the new year include finding ways to organize your email system? Are you looking to increase your email marketing efforts? A recent episode of KHM Today featured five email marketing resolutions for the new year. You can catch the segment starting at the 35:45 mark in the episode below, or read on for a recap of the highlights.

1 – Spruce Up Your Signature

Your email signature is a free marketing platform for your business, so make sure it’s working for you. It should clearly identify who you are and what you do, including your travel agency’s name and tagline. We encourage agents to include a headshot in their signature, reenforcing the personal connection of working with a travel advisor. You can also include icons linking to your business’s social media accounts and an invitation to subscribe to your e-newsletter. Which brings us to the second resolution…

Tip: Would someone at a networking event recognize you from the headshot in your email signature? If not, it’s probably time to update it!

2 – Commit to Sending a Keep-In-Touch Campaign

Rather than being a hard sell, the purpose of this type of email marketing campaign is to keep in touch with your potential clients. You want the recipients to be reminded of your services, so that when it comes time to plan their next vacation, they remember you and your travel agency. The content should be visually appealing, fun, inspiring, and not overly text heavy. Regularity is key, so commit to sending a minimum of one newsletter each month.

KHM Travel Agents have access to a monthly, customizable “Latest Waves” newsletter template produced by our Marketing Team.

3 – Automate More Messages

From confirmations to payment reminders to travel tips, sending individual emails for every booking is time consuming. Increase your efficiency by automating as much written communication as possible. An efficient system allows you to schedule prewritten messages to be sent to each client at the appropriate times before, during, and after travel.

KHM Travel Group membership includes a variety of email series designed for different types of travelers. Just a few clicks in myTravelCRM automatically schedules and sends them to your clients.

4 – Out-of-Office Reply

When it come to automated messages, don’t forget about your out-of-office reply. If one of your resolutions is to adjust your work/life balance, set up a daily message explaining your office hours. If you’ll be less available by email for a longer period, explain how to contact you—or your backup agent—for urgent matters. (Don’t forget to watch the KHM Today segment for more wording suggestions.)

Tip: Turn your out-of-office message into a marketing opportunity by telling recipients when you’re on a FAM trip, researching a destination, etc. Invite them to follow along via your social media posts!

5 – Declutter Your Inbox

Now that we’ve covered the emails you’re sending, what about the avalanche of incoming messages? First, tame the existing clutter by creating a system to organize emails into key categories. It’s like sorting your snail mail, but instead of physical piles—ads and coupons, reading material, financial documents and bills, personal correspondence—you create virtual folders. Next, avoid future clutter by creating rules that direct the flow of incoming messages. For example, a rule can automatically send all industry newsletters to one folder. Or create a rule to keep only the most recent version of repeating emails—such as weekly promotions sent out by travel suppliers—and automatically delete anything older.

Options for managing your inbox vary by provider. Take some time to review the tools and tutorials available with your email system.

Want to know more about the travel agent email tools and marketing resources provided by KHM Travel Group? Give us a call at 888.611.1220.